Food for Thought: A Bend in the Road

Food for Thought: A Bend in the Road

by Ardith Hoff

“A bend in the road is not the end of the road unless you fail to make the turn.” Helen Keller

A story is told about the head of a shoe company who sent his most experienced salesman to a remote island to see if there was a market for shoes there.  The salesman reported back that all of the natives were barefoot and had no interest in wearing shoes.  He determined that it was of no use to try to sell them shoes.

The head of the company was not convinced.  He sent his newest salesman to check it out.  The young, eager salesman decided to get to know the people and see how they felt about shoes. He noticed that some of the people had sores on their feet.  He took the time to educate the leaders about the reasons wearing shoes might be beneficial to their people.  He gave each leader a pair of shoes to try.  Soon he wired his boss to send thousands of pairs of shoes and he sold them all.

Opportunities are often missed because we don’t take time to accurately assess the situation before plowing ahead as if we know what a particular project calls for.  Like the first salesman, we fail to make the turn.

The same might be true along our faith Journeys.  Sometimes, we plunge ahead as if we know what God wants us to do without consulting Him. We tend to want to make our own decisions without waiting for instructions on which way to go as God has promised to provide.  In Isaiah 30:21 we read: “And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it, when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left.” Yet we too often turn left when God wants us to turn right. 

God does not always tell us directly which way to go, but if we are steeped in His word and open to His leading, the direction will become clear through prayer and patience.  Doors will open and opportunities will present themselves, and a peaceful assurance will wash over you.

“And this is the confidence that we have toward Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.” 1 John 5:14