Strong Seniors Exercise Classes
STRONG SENIORS is an exercise class for women and men 50+ who want to maintain and improve the use of their body. Each session is 45 minutes in length and mostly done while sitting in a chair. We start with warming muscles up, leading to 25 minutes of lifting hand weights to increase muscle agility, flexibility, and mobility. Followed by up to 10 minutes of stretching. These classes help improve balance, circulation, range of motion, muscle strength, and provide fun fellowship. Extra hand weights are available at each site.
These exercise classes are a part of our outreach and community building goals, as a way to meet the needs of the seniors in our community and congregations.
There are 2 classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays to choose from:
♦ Viroqua UMC is 10:30am - 11:15am
♦ Westby UMC is at 12:30pm - 1:15pm
During the winter, if the schools are closed, these exercise classes will be cancelled.