Sunday School Classes
During our Sunday School classes, your children will build the foundations of their faith and start growing in their own personal relationship with the Lord. Both of our churches have Sunday School classes throughout the traditional school year, September through May, however each class is different. We encourage you to have your children attend Sunday School, so they can start in their life-long journey of loving and worshiping the Lord! For more information on the Sunday School classes at each church, check out the information below!
Sunday School is provided for children from preschool to confirmation age. Lessons are Bible based with emphasis on learning to live as God wants us to. The Sunday School children play a big part in the Christmas program and the Easter Sunrise service.
On Sundays, the children meet following the children's sermon on Sunday mornings during the worship service. For more information, please reach out to us at viroqua@viroquawestbyumc.org
Westby UMC offers a youth Sunday school program from the middle of September to the middle of May and starts at 10:15 AM on Sunday mornings, after our worship service. This program is for children ages 3 and up. Currently, our youth Sunday school program is like a one-room school house, and our Sunday school teacher does a variety of projects with the youth. We focus on fun activities to learn about God’s love for us and what following Him means through:
- Bible Points, Object Lessons, Scripture
- Serving Others - Outreach to Nursing Homes, Community and Operation Christmas Child
- Games and Crafts
- Music, Children's Worship, Prayer
For more information on the Sunday School program at the Westby UMC, please reach out to us during our Sunday worship service or feel free to send us an e-mail at westby@viroquawestbyumc.org.