Reminders: Why Am I Here?
by Ardith Hoff
Have you ever wondered why you are here? Not the old “senior moment” joke where you go into a room and can’t remember why you are there, but the bigger question of why you were put on this earth.
It’s the kind of thing that sometimes comes up when we feel like we could be doing something more fulfilling and meaningful. The interesting thing is that whatever we are doing, we can bring meaning to it. For example, a person whose job is to harvest vegetables all day might feel that the job is backbreaking and monotonous, and for what? So that some cook somewhere will just take that onion he just pulled for granted, and slice it up into the stew without a thought of all the work that went into it? Or do we look at what we are doing as a vital part of the grander scheme of things, and rejoice in the fact that we are providing a valuable service to others.
There are no unimportant jobs in God’s plan, and the lowlier the job, the more important it might be. Someone has to pick up the garbage and clean the toilets. Otherwise, those who appear to be doing the so-called, “important” work might not survive. In God’s view, there are no hierarchies, only precious souls of whom all have an equal opportunity to inherit salvation and eternal life.
We can find meaning and purpose in not only our make-a-living job, but in the other job God has given us––that of harvesting souls for His kingdom. We may not become a famous preacher of the Gospel, but we might have opportunities that the famous preacher will never have.
We can witness to someone who works along side us and tell him or her what being a Christian means to us. We can show, by our joyful attitude, that we value the job we have. We are able to show great empathy for someone who is suffering because we have suffered. We are all here to serve God and our fellow human beings wherever we are, however we can. “As for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.” 2 Chronicles 15:7