Food for Thought: Serving Others

Food for Thought: Serving Others

by Ardith Hoff

Paul Williams (b.1940) is an American singer and songwriter.  This Academy Award-winning composer has battled through alcohol addiction and gained a marvelous insight from an old-timer he met in recovery over twenty-five years ago.  This man asked Williams, "How are you treating the world today, Paulie?"  Williams replied, "Don't you mean, 'How's the world treating me?'"  The gentleman quickly answered, "No, I mean exactly what I said.  No matter how the world is treating you, if you are caring, loving, and kind in the way you treat the world, your journey will be easier."  Serving not only helps others, but it also improves our journey as well. Reader's Digest, February 2015, p.42

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10

While human tendency is to want to be served, we are called to serve God and our neighbors.  We are to think of others first.  Asking ourselves how we can help others shuts down our selfish nature and gives us a reason to exist.  If we simply focus on ourselves, and what we can get out of life, we miss the opportunity to feel good about ourselves. 

Have you ever noticed how empty it feels to get something you want when you see others who need so much?  On the flip side, it feels so good to be able to help someone else.  Not only are we doing what is right and kind and just for our neighbor, we are serving God in the process.  We are acting on God’s behalf.  That is not only an honor, it is a job we commit ourselves to when we accept Jesus as our savior.  It is what we are called to do in response to God’s saving grace.

God has promised to reward those who do His will and give of themselves in service to others.  “Give, and it will be given to you.  A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap.  For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” Luke 6:38  

Giving does not just mean giving money and material things, it also includes giving of ourselves, our time, effort and intellectual and emotional support.  We each have the ability and know how to do good for others.  In so doing we are the ones who benefit most.  We are the ones who feel God’s grace.