New Reminders: Inner Harmony

New Reminders: Inner Harmony

by Ardith Hoff

Inner harmony is a feeling of peace of mind derived from self-acceptance, acceptance of the people and circumstances around us, and acceptance of the past.  Generally, inner harmony is a form of happiness that exists when we achieve a sense of peace that goes beyond satisfaction, contentment, comfort and security to utter exhilaration.

When our minds are in harmony with our values and goals, we feel relaxed and eager to act, at the same time.  External and internal factors are in perfect accord with goodness, beauty, and decency and our purpose is being actualized in real time.  Inner peace and harmony are states of being that we all long for.  They represent a tranquility and balance within ourselves that can lead to greater happiness, fulfillment, and well-being.  One step toward achieving this state is through self-awareness.

Some people try to achieve relief from all discomfort through chemistry.  It is true that a chemical imbalance can be a significant part of some conditions, and carefully managed prescriptions can help, but unless we do the work to clear the clutter that is blocking the light at the end of whatever dark-tunnel we might find ourselves in, there is no way out. 

Everyone’s clutter and debris are different, but there are some common ones that we can all discard.  Anxiety, anger, greed, desire, hatred, ill-will, delusions or damages we have inflicted on others, have been inflicted on us by others or ourselves, may be keeping us captive.  Of course, we can’t just bulldoze them out of our lives and be done with them.  Some need to be dealt with individually, or in small clumps, but they need to be gotten rid of.  All negative thoughts and behaviors are transitory and can be discarded in favor of healthier, more positive attitudes, relationships, goals and actions.

Sitting in our tunnels and wallowing in our own muck will not get us out.  Sometimes we need a kind voice from within ourselves, or from a trusted source, that gives us the will to look forward, not back, that propels us to change the things we can and let the other stuff flow under the bridge.

For some people, that might mean giving up some long-held habits and attitudes because they are obviously not working for us any longer.  For others it might mean facing realities of things that are beyond our control but need to be acknowledged.  Illnesses, aging, grief, disabilities, and pain can all be improved with appropriate help.

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.  I do not give to you as the world gives.  Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." ~ John 14:27