New Reminders: Generosity

New Reminders: Generosity

by Ardith Hoff

Generosity is an act of kindness in the form of giving money or material things, loving protection or loving understanding.  We donate money to the church and its missions.  We donate food to a food pantry.  We provide sympathetic gestures or words.  We might help a neighbor carry in her groceries.  Whatever we give, it costs us money, time and energy, and requires caring.  Help should be given out of the goodness of our hearts and in a kind spirit.  Giving for selfish motives, such as to look good to others or to gain recognition is not true generosity.

Ironically, just after I had started writing this essay.  I was asked to consider providing shelter, for a homeless woman and her daughter.  I am ashamed to say that I did not immediately say yes, I said that I needed to think about it.  I did agree to meet the woman and to see what could be done.  The suggestion had been made that they could sleep in a room upstairs in a house I own that I rent to my son.  The more I thought about it, the less sure I was that it would be a good idea.  My son, who’s upstairs they would be staying in, is a more generous person than I, and he said “yes”, without hesitation, and I am proud of his generous attitude.  He was even willing to help do the work required to get the room ready. 

By the time I met the woman at my apartment, to discuss possible arrangements, I had realized that she and her ten-year-old daughter would be more comfortable in my second bedroom, which is in the lower level of my apartment.  I decided I would make arrangements to let her live here for the two weeks they need a place to stay, until more-permanent housing is ready.

Generosity is not a matter of how much we give, but how much we sacrifice to give it.  “Warren Buffet, who led his company to a 22% gross profit increase in 2023, donated millions, but his total charitable donations were less than 1% of his holdings.  Bottom line, if you tithe on your salary––regardless of its size, you’re exceedingly more generous than the richest person in the world.”, 11/21/23

“Jesus looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the offering box, and he saw a poor widow put in two small copper coins.  And he said, ‘Truly, I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all of them.  For they all contributed out of their abundance but she, out of her poverty, put in all she had to live on.” Luke 21:1-4