Reminders: Where is the Power?

Reminders: Where is the Power?

by Ardith Hoff

“The Consumer Technology Association hosted their global trade show in Las Vegas and discovered their Achilles’ heel on January 10, 2018.  A two-hour power outage completely incapacitated the coolest, newest electronic products from giants like Sony, Samsung, LG, Panasonic, and Intel.  Without power, every gadget was worthless.  Such experiences are good reminders of who we are without God.” USA Today, 1/11/18, p.5B 

The article seems to imply that God was not present during the power outage.  While God does not cause bad things to happen, He does allow them to happen.  In this case it might have been to teach us how vulnerable our devices are.  The truth is that we have become so dependent on technical devices that when they fail, we are virtually unable to function.  For example, if the computer in your dentist’s office is down, you may not be able to pay your bill. 

Before they had computers, businesses wrote out an invoice and we paid it.  The charge for services does not change just because the computer is down, but the computer is the only device the receptionist has to tell her what to charge and how to record the payment.  We all need to have the skills and knowledge to work around our devices.  There is no doubt that we would all hate to give up our cell phones, but we need to remember that God is with us, whether we have one or not. 

Our link to God is the best wireless connection of all time.  We don’t need a smart phone, or the Internet to communicate with Him.  We can speak to Him in prayer, any time, anywhere. “Teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:20 

This tells us that if we follow Gods commands, He is always with us.  He will help us through difficult situations, but He expects us to anticipate problems, and to be prepared.  Employees need to know how to make transactions without depending on a computer.  Institutions like hospitals that depend on computerized equipment, know that they need to have back-up generators. “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” Psalm 46-1   We can always trust in God’s power.  It never fails!