Reminders: Make Every Day Count

Reminders: Make Every Day Count

by Ardith Hoff

When a reporter asked August Turak what was in his wallet, the well-known entrepreneur and award-winning author replied, “Expired driver's licenses.”  He said, “I keep several in my wallet. Occasionally looking at how I've aged in my license photos reminds me to make every day count.”  Reader's Digest, October 2013

Most of us don’t like our driver’s license photos and can’t wait to get rid them. When I moved from Iowa to Wisconsin in 2013, I was required to get a WI driver’s license. I was happy because in Iowa, the picture was in black and white. I had to remove my glasses and was not allowed to smile. The picture did not even look like me! The new WI license was in color. I got to keep my glasses on and was allowed to smile. That was great until two years later, when I renewed my WI license, and I realized that the Iowa protocol had been adopted in WI.

I kept that first WI driver’s license because I like to remind myself that I should keep smiling. We don’t need a driver’s license photo to remind ourselves that we are aging. There are mirrors to remind us. Our children get older, our classmates get older, our cars and houses need repairs and we ourselves start to experience age-related health and mobility problems.

Life is slipping by way too fast! Rather than regretting things we have done or not done in the past, we need to be accountable to God and ourselves for this day.  None of us knows how many hours, days, weeks, months or years we have left to accomplish the tasks God has laid out for us.  We need to find out what He wants us to do, and set about doing it.  “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may be recompensed for our deeds in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad.” 2 Corinthians 5:10   Choose this day whom you will serve… Joshua 24:14