Food for Thought: “Priorities” is an Oxymoron

Food for Thought: "Priorities" is an Oxymoron

by Ardith Hoff

An “oxymoron” is a word or expression that contradicts itself. In the 1400s, the word “priority” came into the English language. It meant the very first and most important thing and was singular. It wasn’t until the 1900s that people began to pluralize this word and speak of “priorities.” Rather than having one priority or one first thing, it was illogically believed that we could have multiple things that are of greatest importance. In truth, we create the illusion of having many things being our priority but in fact we’re declaring that nothing is. Matthew 6:33 captures this idea well with, “make the Kingdom of God your primary concern.” Everything else is secondary––maybe very significant, but less important (secondary). Essentialism, Greg McKeown, 2014, p.16

In our modern world, it is easy to think that we can have many top priorities––our family, our job, our church, our community. While they are all important, they cannot all take precedence at the same time. We try to compartmentalize. When we are at home, we try to concentrate on the family. When at work we try to focus on our job. While at church is the time we allot to thinking about God and what we can do to show His love to the people in our community. This seems like a logical and balanced approach to living a full life. The problem with that way of thinking is that it is contrary to the way God has told us to live.

Matthew 6:33 put it this way: “But first be concerned about God's kingdom and His righteousness, and all of these things will be provided for you as well.” This might seem like God is being selfish, wanting all of our attention. We all like to think that me, and my concerns, are most important. And why shouldn’t they be? After all, we are the ones who have to live in this complicated world. Why does God want to add yet another distraction? The truth is, that this is not our world. Everything in it belongs to God. He created it, and every good thing in it is from Him. He knows what is best for us, and we need to trust Him to give us what we need, even if it is not what we have in mind.

“With Me are riches and honor, enduring wealth and righteousness.” Proverbs 8:18 Putting God first is for our benefit, not His!