New Reminders: Growth

New Reminders: Growth

by Ardith Hoff

There are five main types of growth and development: physical, cognitive, emotional, social and spiritual.  When our children are babies, there are certain milestones that we can watch for, such as weight gain, being able to hold their heads up, rolling over, sitting up unaided and so forth. When they are older, we don’t have those same types of markers to go by, to tell if they are continuing to progress successfully.  We have to rely on seeing if they are making progress in school and eventually moving toward independence and careers of their choice.

Many factors can affect how smoothy each stage of growth and development occur.  Heredity, upbringing, illness, and accidents, or other external factors can intervene.  At some point, they are on their own, and it is up to them whether they continue to grow or not.  As parents, we hope we have prepared them well and that they continue to learn and grow successfully.

For many reasons, grown adults, at whatever stage they are at in their lives, can develop dependencies of one type of another, or suffer from a major depression.  No one does that on purpose, but whatever causes it, suffering can be devastating to watch and even more debilitating to experience.  The hardest part may be to find the right help to overcome the feelings of hopelessness that can ensue. 

I read a plaque that outlined the Seven Rules for Life.  I’m not sure who originated the “Rules”, but they are certainly common-sense ways to approach life, whether we are depressed or not.

  1. 1. Let it Go! (Make peace with your past so that it won’t screw up your present.)
  2. 2. Ignore Them! (What others think of you is none of your business.)
  3. 3. Give it Time! (Time heals most things.)
  4. 4. Don’t Compare! (You have no idea what other’s journeys have been like.)
  5. 5. Never give Up! (It always seems impossible until it is done.)
  6. 6. It’s on You! (Only you are in charge of your happiness.)
  7. 7. Smile! (Life is short.  Enjoy it while you have it.)

To those seven, I would add one more.  Turn it over to God!  Or, as AA puts it, admit we are powerless on our own.  Especially if life has become unmanageable, we need to believe that a power greater than ourselves can help. 

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”  Whatever your concept of a “Higher Power” may be, laying it all out there, really can help you move forward. Philippians 4:6-7