New Reminders: Comfort

I grew up on a Wisconsin dairy farm.  My family worked hard.  My four older sisters all seemed to enjoy working in the fields with our dad as well as in the house and garden with Mom.  My brother, who was the fifth child, and the only boy, was always right out there with my…

New Reminders: The Purpose of Religion

Young people who have been forced to go to church and Sunday school and required to “suffer” through a year or more of confirmation classes can be forgiven for thinking that the purpose of religion is to control people, themselves in particular.  This is not to dismiss the youngsters who are sincere in their professions…

New Reminders: Meant to Be?

Whenever things just seem to click and everything falls conveniently into place, we say that it was “meant to be”.  We might think that God put everything into place, and we thank Him.  My question is: then how do you explain that, when I fly, the rule seems to be that if I have plenty…

Prayer Seed: Luke 24:51-52

Prayer Seed: Dear Abba, Thank you for conquering death and giving us the gift of salvation, allowing our sins to be forgiven so we can have a personal relationship with You. May we always worship You with joy in our hearts. In Jesus’ name, Amen.  

New Reminders: Maturity

“Maturity is realizing that half of what you want to say does not need to be said.” Yung Pueblo in his self-help book and poem: The Way Out p.5 Those of us who like to talk about ourselves may need to take a step back and realize that we are never going to connect with…

Prayer Seed: Ephesians 3:20-21

Prayer Seed: Dear Abba, With Your help and guidance, we can have new breakthroughs and accomplish more than we could imagine. There are no limits. Please help us to be in tune with You so we are receptive to Your plans and can think outside of the box and do amazing things for Your glory.…

New Reminders: Materialism

Amazon is now the biggest delivery business in America having overtaken FedEx in 2020 and UPS in 2022.  They delivered approximately 5.9 billion packages in 2023––roughly 18 “presents” for every single American. Wall Street Journal, 11/28/23, p.A1.   The convenience of ordering with your phone or home computer and the quick turnaround, makes it unbelievably easy…

Prayer Seed: Isaiah 40:29

Prayer Seed: Dear Abba, Thank you for allowing me to turn to You for strength when I feel weary, tired and powerless. Thank you for providing me with the power and strength to face the daily challenges or whatever may come my way. Thank you for being my source of energy. In Jesus’ name, Amen.