New Reminders: Equity

Making life fair seems to be a relentless cultural ambition but it’s simply not possible this side of heaven, and the Federal Communications Commission may be the only government institution that understand this.  On August 4, 1987, the FCC voted 4-0 to abolish the Fairness Doctrine, which required radio & television stations to present balanced coverage…

Prayer Seed: Exodus 14:13-14

Prayer Seed: Dear Abba, I need Your help today with fighting the challenging situations in my life today. With You, all things are possible, so I choose to trust and rest in You because I cannot conquer these situations on my own. Please help me to remain calm and not worry while You are working…

New Reminders: Character

Character traits are defined as the individual qualities or attributes that make up a person’s overall individuality.  These descriptions can be physical, emotional, mental, or moral.  Every person is made up of many different traits or qualities, and these can also change over the course of someone’s life.  Character traits are the building blocks of personality;…

New Reminders: Are You an Angry Raisin?

Elaine Steinbeck (1914-2003) visited a Tokyo bookstore to see if they had her husband John’s Pulitzer Prize-winning book, The Grapes of Wrath.  The Japanese clerk found a copy but called it The Angry Raisins.  Reader’s Digest, June 1990, p.106.  The book was written in the 1930s, a time of hardship for many across the United States. Not only…

Food for Thought: Serving Others

Paul Williams (b.1940) is an American singer and songwriter.  This Academy Award-winning composer has battled through alcohol addiction and gained a marvelous insight from an old-timer he met in recovery over twenty-five years ago.  This man asked Williams, “How are you treating the world today, Paulie?”  Williams replied, “Don’t you mean, ‘How’s the world treating me?'”  The gentleman quickly…