Food for Thought: Addictions

The National Safety Council recently announced that for the first time in history the odds of an American dying from an accidental opioid overdose are higher than dying from a motor vehicle crash––1 in 96 vs. 1 in 103. USA Today, 1/15/19, p.1A This does not even account for all of the people who are…

Reminders: The Coin Toss

One Sunday morning Jimmy was wondering why his friend Bobby was not at the game.  By the time Bobby arrived, the game was well under way.  “Why are you so late?” asked Jimmy.  “I couldn’t decide between going to church and going to the game.  So I tossed a coin,” said Bobby.  “But that shouldn’t…

Prayer Seed: Romans 4:20-21

Prayer Seed: Dear Abba, You are the Creator and You fulfill Your promises. Please help me to be like Abraham and completely trust in You and that You will do what You promised. Please give me the faith to not only believe, but to act on Your promises. In Jesus’ name, Amen.  

Prayer Seed: Mark 1:8

Prayer Seed: Dear Abba, Thank you for the gift of the Good News that comes from Jesus. Thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit which helps to change us, guide us, and renew us. May Your Holy Spirit rain down on us and help us to strive to be like Jesus and practice love…

Food for Thought: Prophecy vs. Prudence

Jemima Packington claims she can predict the future with asparagus. As the only known “asparamancer,” this 63-year-old British woman says she sees the future by observing how the spears fall after she throws them into the air. Packington claims she is 75-90% accurate noting her predictions about Brexit and President Trump’s summit with North Korea’s…

Prayer Seed: Mark 2:22

Prayer Seed: Dear Abba – Please help me to have an open mind to the changes that are happening in my life and around me. Renew my mind through Your word and help me to look at things through Your perspective. Please show me the new ways I can serve You and help me to be…