Prayer Seed: Joel 2:23

Dear Abba, Thank you for meeting all of my needs in the past, today and in the future. Thank you for always being faithful and supportive. Thank you for the prayers that You have answered and for the prayers that You are going to answer. In Jesus’ name, Amen.  

Food for Thought: Influences

A friend of mine, who taught rhetoric (speaking and writing) to college freshmen, assigned her classes to write essays on the two or three people, or incidents they thought had the most effect on their development as a person. The occurrences or behaviors they were to report on could include either positive or negative experiences.…

Reminders: Signs of the Times

Ole was the pastor of the Norwegian Lutheran Church.  Pastor Sven was the pastor of the Swedish Covenant Church just down the street in their small town.  One day they joined forces and were seen pounding a sign into the ground.  It read, “DA END ISS NEAR! TURN YERSELF AROUNT NOW BAFOR IT ISS TOO…