Prayer Seed: Psalm 5:11-12
Dear Abba, Thank you for allowing me to take refuge in You. Thank you for encompassing me and filling me with Your love! In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Dear Abba, Thank you for allowing me to take refuge in You. Thank you for encompassing me and filling me with Your love! In Jesus’ name, Amen.
A farmer went to a big city to visit his sister for the weekend. He attended church with her. When he got home his wife asked how it was. He said it was okay, but all they sang were those praise songs. He said it would be like if I talked to you saying, ‘The…
While my husband and I lived in the Boston area, I was privileged to help write and provide teacher workshops on a water conservation curriculum for the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority called Water Wisdom. Part of the purpose of the curriculum is to provide activities that can help teachers and students learn how to use…
Dear Abba, Thank you for meeting all of my needs in the past, today and in the future. Thank you for always being faithful and supportive. Thank you for the prayers that You have answered and for the prayers that You are going to answer. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
What happens to us is less important than how we react to it. Take the case of the donkey that fell in a pit. The farmer who owned the donkey had trouble figuring out how to get him out. He decided just to bury the old donkey where he was by filling in the pit. …
A friend of mine, who taught rhetoric (speaking and writing) to college freshmen, assigned her classes to write essays on the two or three people, or incidents they thought had the most effect on their development as a person. The occurrences or behaviors they were to report on could include either positive or negative experiences.…
Dear Abba, As I place all of my trust in You, please help me to wait patiently while you work out the plans for my life. I trust that You know what is best for me and the right time for things to happen in my life. Thank you, Lord, for your help and guidance.…
Ole was the pastor of the Norwegian Lutheran Church. Pastor Sven was the pastor of the Swedish Covenant Church just down the street in their small town. One day they joined forces and were seen pounding a sign into the ground. It read, “DA END ISS NEAR! TURN YERSELF AROUNT NOW BAFOR IT ISS TOO…
The book of Ecclesiastes is often cited as a source of wisdom in terms of finding meaning in life. Some Bible scholars however, find the book contradictory and in sharp contrast to the teachings in Proverbs and say that the author of Ecclesiastes was simply responding to some of the beliefs of his time and…
Prayer Seed: Dear Abba, I turn to You today and every day for guidance. You know what is best for me, so please help me to travel the path You have chosen for me. Thank you for allowing me to turn to You daily for help. In Jesus’ name, Amen.