Food for Thought: Winners and Losers

In his book Maybe, Maybe Not, on p.117-121, Robert Fulghum wrote about a time when he was teaching philosophy to high-school seniors. He started the class by having them play musical chairs, which most of them had probably not played since they were in second grade. However, unlike second graders, the game became very rough…

Reminders: Attitude is Everything

A medical study conducted in Denmark with 607 patients who had heart disease, indicated that participants with more positive attitudes were 58 percent more likely to live at least another five years.  It may have been partly because they were also more likely to be more active.  A positive attitude may not only extend one’s…

Prayer Seed: Ephesians 4:3

Prayer Seed: Dear Abba, Please guide our words, thoughts, and actions so we speak, think and act with humility, kindness, and compassion toward others. Help us to put aside our differences so we can work together towards unity and peace. In Jesus’ name, Amen.  

Reminders: The Cure

Three pastors were having lunch together.  One said, “I’ve been having trouble with bats in my church balcony.  I’ve tried everything––noise, spray, cats, but nothing seems to scare them away.”  Another said, “Me too.  I’ve got hundreds living in my belfry.  I’ve even had the place fumigated, and they won’t go away.”  The third pastor said,…

Prayer Seed: Psalm 103:1-3

Prayer Seed: Dear Abba, Thank you that when I put ALL of my trust in You, it means that everything in my life is under Your control. Thank you for allowing me to turn all of my problems and worries over to You. Thank you for being my all in all! In Jesus’ name, Amen.