Reminders: Out of the Mouth of Babes

After some discussion about the meaning of salvation and the reason Jesus died to save sinful people, a second-grade Sunday-school teacher asked her class, “What do we have to do to be forgiven for our sins?”  One little boy’s hand shot up.  When the teacher called on him, he said, “That’s easy, we have to…

Food for Thought: Is the USA a Christian Nation?

There has been much confusion about weather America was founded as a Christian nation. The truth is that, though many have stated as a fact that it was, the founding fathers were very careful not to declare a national religion, opting instead for religious freedom. Though many of the founding principles are based on Judeo-Christian…

Food for Thought: What is Integrity?

William Penn (1644-1718) was a Quaker involved in the colonization of what became Pennsylvania. He said, “Right is right, even if everyone is against it; and wrong is wrong even if everyone is for it.” Men of Integrity, January/February 2013, p.2/6 Integrity means being honest with ourselves, other people and with God. It means standing…

Reminders: What’s Your Bait?

A young man had been fishing for a long time.  His friend came over and saw that he hadn’t caught any fish. He asked his friend, “Why aren’t you catching any fish?” “Bad luck?  God’s will?  Who knows?” came the reply. “What are you using for bait?” asked the friend. The boy fishing said, “I’m…

Prayer Seed: Romans 8:31

Prayer Seed: Dear Abba, Thank you for pursuing me with Your constant love. I ask that as I face daily challenges, which may sometimes seem unbearable, please remind me that You are always by my side and helping me. Remind me that since You are on my side, nothing is impossible, and I can make…

Reminders: Just Save One

In one of the recent super-hero movies, several heroes team up to save the world.  One of the more experienced heroes is advising a younger one who is finding the situation overwhelming.  He says, “You don’t have to do it all.  Just save one!”  That is good advice in many situations.  We can’t do it…