Food for Thought: Investing Wisely

On October 24, 2017, Albert Einstein’s theory of happiness sold for $1.3 million at a Jerusalem auction. While traveling in Tokyo during 1922, the Nobel-winning scientist scribbled a note to the bellboy when he did not have cash for a tip. He wrote, “A calm and modest life brings more happiness than the pursuit of…

Reminders: Conflict Resolution

President Ronald Reagan said, “The person who agrees with you 80% of the time is a friend and an ally, not a 20% traitor.” What’s true in politics is also true in relationships, and especially in marriage.  Focus on the 80%. Time, 1/29/18, p.24 In the midst of a disagreement, it is hard to remember all…

Food for Thought: Time Management

Parkinson’s Law reminds us that, “Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.” This means that we need to be very intentional about the use of our time or we will consume all available time accomplishing very little. Why People Fail, Siimon Reynolds, 2012 One year, when I taught art at…

Reminders: Beware of Jealousy

In February of 2014, a man in China had a nasty breakup with his girlfriend before Valentine’s Day.  The jealous man bought all of the odd numbered seats in a local theater for February 14th so that couples couldn’t sit together during the movie.  Those last five letters of jealousy are there for a reason.  Reader’s Digest,…

Reminders: Doubt or Disbelief?

Is it okay to have doubts about God?  In fact, it is not unusual for people to have doubts, especially when we are feeling vulnerable and insecure.  When we don’t feel worthy of God’s love, and when things aren’t going well, it is easy to wonder if God has abandoned us, or if He was…

Food for Thought: What’s in a Name?

In May of 2018, Johanna Giselhall visited her local tattoo artist in Kyrkhult, Sweden and had him intertwine the names of her two children onto her arm. After the session was over, Johanna realized that “Kevin” had been misspelled “Kelvin” with the permanent ink. She said, “My heart stopped and I thought I was going…

Food for Thought: Choices, Choices

Never criticize your spouses’ inability to make good choices. Remember, that you are one of them––Author unknown Choosing between two or more alternatives can be difficult for some people. It may be that they have been hurt by making poor choices in the past and do not want to make the same mistakes again. On…

Reminders: What Would You Do?

If you saw someone back into someone else’s unoccupied car in a parking lot, and cause a big dent or a broken headlight, and then just drive away, would you take the time and effort to leave a note on the windshield giving the license plate number of the hit-and-run driver?  Or would you just…