Prayer Seed: 2 Corinthians 9:8
Dear Abba, God, and Lord of all, thank you for revealing to me Your readiness to be generous. This is who you are. Help me to see your grace and abundance and blessing in everything today. Amen!
Dear Abba, God, and Lord of all, thank you for revealing to me Your readiness to be generous. This is who you are. Help me to see your grace and abundance and blessing in everything today. Amen!
We are all aware of the pervasive bombardment of us all with rapidly changing stimulation. The images and sounds that constantly invade our personal space have some people worried that it causes us to be unable to concentrate on anything for more than a few minutes at a time. During my teacher education and periodically…
It has been said that, “Most people would be happy to serve God, but only in an advisory capacity.” Unknown It’s true that we are called to follow God’s plans, but most of us have our own ideas about how that plan should be administered. We don’t like to be told what to do or…
Some people seem to be able to spot four-leaf clovers much more quickly than others. Are they just lucky or just better at seeing differences in patterns within the clover patch? Does their ability to find four-leaf clovers bring them luck or do the good things that happen after their discoveries just get credited to…
When we talk about evangelism, it usually involves what to say and how to get people to listen to our faith stories. We want to convince them to want the wonderful Christian life we are experiencing. We want to tell all about how God’s love has impacted our lives, how Jesus died on the cross…
A pastor was interviewing three prospective new members for her church. She asked several questions in order to understand their reasons for wanting to join the church. When she was satisfied that they were sincere in their professions of faith, she went on to make some notes concerning how they each might want to be…
The day of Epiphany is celebrated in most churches as a day to commemorate the visit of the Magi (wise men) to the Christ child. It represents the realization that the long-awaited birth of the Messiah had occurred. It is considered the manifestation of the divine in the world, in the form of a human…
John Wesley is one of the founders of what came to be called the “Methodist” denomination. People erroneously thought Wesley’s followers were using a “method” to gain salvation rather than making a commitment to simply accept salvation through Jesus’ death on the cross. Wesley actually believed that it is not only essential for us to…
On October 24, 2017, Albert Einstein’s theory of happiness sold for $1.3 million at a Jerusalem auction. While traveling in Tokyo during 1922, the Nobel-winning scientist scribbled a note to the bellboy when he did not have cash for a tip. He wrote, “A calm and modest life brings more happiness than the pursuit of…
President Ronald Reagan said, “The person who agrees with you 80% of the time is a friend and an ally, not a 20% traitor.” What’s true in politics is also true in relationships, and especially in marriage. Focus on the 80%. Time, 1/29/18, p.24 In the midst of a disagreement, it is hard to remember all…