New Reminders: Are You an Angry Raisin?

Elaine Steinbeck (1914-2003) visited a Tokyo bookstore to see if they had her husband John’s Pulitzer Prize-winning book, The Grapes of Wrath.  The Japanese clerk found a copy but called it The Angry Raisins.  Reader’s Digest, June 1990, p.106.  The book was written in the 1930s, a time of hardship for many across the United States. Not only…

Food for Thought: Serving Others

Paul Williams (b.1940) is an American singer and songwriter.  This Academy Award-winning composer has battled through alcohol addiction and gained a marvelous insight from an old-timer he met in recovery over twenty-five years ago.  This man asked Williams, “How are you treating the world today, Paulie?”  Williams replied, “Don’t you mean, ‘How’s the world treating me?'”  The gentleman quickly…

Food for Thought: A Conspiracy of Grace

Sixteen-year-old wrestler Marek Bush shot to inter-net fame when a video from a high-school wrestling tournament in New York featuring one of his matches was posted online. The young Mr. Bush gained international attention after forfeiting a wrestling match to an injured opponent. With the match almost over, Bush found himself losing 5-0 to competitor…