New Reminders: Curiosity

Most people are familiar with the children’s books about Curious George and the saying “Curiosity killed the cat.”  Both, imply that curiosity can get you into trouble.  For that reason, as well of some of the reactions from exasperated teachers, when my son asked too many questions, he did not like to be labeled “curious”. …

Prayer Seed: Mark 5:36

Prayer Seed: Dear Abba, I know that with You, anything is possible. Sometimes I forget this and at these times, my faith isn’t as strong as it should be. Please help me to remember that as long as I have You in my life, I don’t need to worry about anything as long as I…

New Reminders: Community

A Christian congregation is usually considered a community of believers.  They are usually a part of a larger denomination that follow the creeds, precepts and beliefs common to the organizational principles (disciplines) of the larger organization to which they belong.  What makes them a community, is not just what they subscribe to as a church,…

Prayer Seed: Psalm 66:4

Prayer Seed: Dear Abba, Because “Selah” means to pause and praise, I need to remember to take time periodically throughout each day to take a minute and pause to give You praise. Please help me to stop and thank You for the little things You do for me and give to me each day. Abba,…

New Reminders: Beauty

Beauty can be described as a positive characteristic of a person, animal, place, or thing that can be seen or felt as pleasurable, meaningful or satisfying.  It usually refers to something observable but can also be perceived emotionally as a beautiful idea or awesome phenomenon.   Something beautiful is almost always experienced as a positive…

Prayer Seed: Mark 4:40

Prayer Seed: Dear Abba, Thank you that I can turn to you at any time, during any situation and ask for help. Please help me to have enough faith to know that when I do ask for help, You will take care of me and guide me through the storm. In Jesus’ name, Amen.  

New Reminders: Achievement

When we think of achievements, we usually think of something accomplished, especially by superior ability, special effort, great courage, with great or heroic deeds.  But there are simple accomplishments that we achieve every day that we don’t always give ourselves, or others, full credit for.  We care for our pets, our children, our homes, our…

Prayer Seed: Mark 4:30-32

Prayer Seed: Dear Abba, Please help us to notice the little things that You do for us. Guide us to do small things for others, such as smiling or opening a door, to spread Your love so it can grow rapidly, and spread throughout our community. In Jesus’ name, Amen.  

New Reminders: Inner Harmony

Inner harmony is a feeling of peace of mind derived from self-acceptance, acceptance of the people and circumstances around us, and acceptance of the past.  Generally, inner harmony is a form of happiness that exists when we achieve a sense of peace that goes beyond satisfaction, contentment, comfort and security to utter exhilaration. When our…

Prayer Seed: Mark 3:35

Prayer Seed: Dear Abba, Thank you for the extended family You have given me through my church and others who accepted you as their Lord and Savior, and follow Your will. Thank you for the sharing, fellowship, and companionship I can have with my fellow brothers and sisters in You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.