New Reminders: Humility

Being humble is considered a worthy position to take about one’s self, yet it does not require that we let others put us down or bully us into submission.  The only being we are to submit ourselves to, is God.  Other than God himself, we are to consider ourselves as equal to others, not superior,…

New Reminders: Discernment

Discernment is a word we hear often, in religious circles, in the context of making wise, just and well-thought-out decisions.  For example, “We should use discernment in choosing who will teach our children in Sunday School”.  The implication is that we should not pick the first person who is willing to do the job, but…

New Reminders: Commitment

A dictionary definition of commitment is, “the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity or relationship”.  It is a promise to dedicate ourselves to fulfilling an obligation in the future or for life (from this day forward).  It requires self-discipline, resilience and persistence.  It is a promise, to do our very best…

New Reminders: Challenges

A challenge, is often something new and difficult which requires great effort and determination, or a situation that takes a great deal of thought and effort to resolve or overcome.  There are many other kinds of challenges such as sporting events or other kinds of contests that we enter into to show strength, endurance and…

New Reminders: Beauty

Beauty can be described as a feature of objects, music, works of art or scenes in nature that make them pleasurable to look at, to hear or otherwise perceive.  Scenes include landscapes, sunsets, humans and works of art.  Beauty, together with art and taste, is the main subject of aesthetics, a branch of philosophy.  The…

New Reminders: Transformation

A transformation is a dramatic change in form or appearance.  It can also be an important event like getting married, which might change a woman’s name and represent a change in status, from Miss or Ms. to Mrs. and can signify a change in where and how she will live.  Important events like getting our…

New Reminders: Self-Worth

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.”  Alice Walker When we think we have no power to change things, we want to pull up the covers and escape into sleep.  Maintaining control over our lives requires that we make a conscious choice to take back our…

New Reminders: Restoration

Restoration is the process of returning something or someone to a former state of being or condition or to return a piece of property to its previous owner.  For example, when we go into the hospital for a health issue, we hope to return home in much better condition than we were when we went…

New Reminders: Perspective

Looking at something from a certain point of view changes what we see.  The same is true if we think from a certain point of view.  The vantage point from which we see a situation also changes how we perceive it.  We call that psychological perspective.  The best example I have seen to illustrate this…