Reminders: God is Missing!

Two little boys were known “troublemakers” who were stealing everything they could get their hands on, even stealing from a church.  One day the pastor stopped one of the boys and asked, “Where is God?” expecting him to know that God is everywhere.  Instead, the boy shrugged and the pastor repeated, “Where is God?”  The…

Reminders: Where is the Power?

“The Consumer Technology Association hosted their global trade show in Las Vegas and discovered their Achilles’ heel on January 10, 2018.  A two-hour power outage completely incapacitated the coolest, newest electronic products from giants like Sony, Samsung, LG, Panasonic, and Intel.  Without power, every gadget was worthless.  Such experiences are good reminders of who we are…

Reminders: Proportionate Responses to Problems

“An unidentified man in Tucson, Arizona used a blowtorch to eliminate some unwanted spider webs under his mobile home.  The resulting fire on October 15, 2017 required 20 firefighters to fight the blaze that torched his house.  Addressing problems proportionately can prevent a lot of unnecessary damage.”  World 11/25/17, p.15  Most people have overreacted to situations in…

Reminders: Perception vs. Reality

A school board was interviewing a person for a job as a high school science teacher.  One of the board members asked, “Do you believe the earth is flat or do you believe it is round?”  The candidate replied, “I can teach it flat, and I can teach it round.” What the prospective science teacher…

Reminders: Developing Our Spiritual Gifts

It’s easy to confuse gifts and talents.  They are often lumped together.  Talents are innate abilities such as natural aptitudes passed down and nurtured in families for such things as math, music, mechanics, etc., while gifts are from God, and are by definition “spiritual” because they are transmitted to us by the Holy Spirit once…

Reminders: How Lucky Are You?

When my brother and I were 4-H club members, there was a tour of farms, where the members lived, to observe our projects.  When the tour group came to our farm, they critiqued our 4-H projects, but they couldn’t help also noticing our mother’s gardens.  She raised a large variety of vegetables, and an even…