Reminders: Restorative Justice

The “restorative justice” system for resolving disputes was practiced by indigenous people for centuries.  The basic principles of the system are applied in some Mennonite and Amish communities to this day.  It came into wider popularity in the 1970s when Nelson Mandela took over as president of South Africa.  He instated it in the courts…

Reminders: Happiness is a Choice

People say money is not the key to happiness, but if you have enough money surely you can have a key made.  Not so!  Money helps us feel somewhat more secure, but it does not guarantee happiness.  Buying something we think we need or want might make us feel better temporarily, but the feeling does…

Reminders: What’s It Worth?

A motivational speaker started his presentation by holding up a one- hundred-dollar bill.  He asked, “What’s it worth?’  Someone in the front row said, “A hundred dollars if it’s real”.  The speaker crumpled the bill, “Now what’s it worth?”  “A hundred dollars!” came a chorus of answers.”  Then the speaker threw the bill on the…

Reminders: Signs of the Times

Ole was the pastor of the Norwegian Lutheran Church.  Pastor Sven was the pastor of the Swedish Covenant Church just down the street in their small town.  One day they joined forces and were seen pounding a sign into the ground.  It read, “DA END ISS NEAR! TURN YERSELF AROUNT NOW BAFOR IT ISS TOO…

Reminders: Attitude is Everything

A medical study conducted in Denmark with 607 patients who had heart disease, indicated that participants with more positive attitudes were 58 percent more likely to live at least another five years.  It may have been partly because they were also more likely to be more active.  A positive attitude may not only extend one’s…

Reminders: The Cure

Three pastors were having lunch together.  One said, “I’ve been having trouble with bats in my church balcony.  I’ve tried everything––noise, spray, cats, but nothing seems to scare them away.”  Another said, “Me too.  I’ve got hundreds living in my belfry.  I’ve even had the place fumigated, and they won’t go away.”  The third pastor said,…

Reminders: How to Tame a Bully

A farmer and his brand new bride were riding home from the wedding chapel in a horse-drawn carriage when the old horse stumbled.  The farmer said, “That’s once.”  A little further along, the poor old horse stumbled again.  The farmer said, “That’s twice.”  After a little the poor old horse stumbled again.  The farmer didn’t…