Prayer Seed: Mark 9:7

Prayer Seed: Dear Abba, Thank you for loving us so much, that you gave us the gift of salvation through Your Son, Jesus. Please help us to be still, and quiet our hearts and minds, so we can listen to You more clearly. In Jesus’ name, Amen.  

Prayer Seed: Joel 2:23

Dear Abba, Thank you for meeting all of my needs in the past, today and in the future. Thank you for always being faithful and supportive. Thank you for the prayers that You have answered and for the prayers that You are going to answer. In Jesus’ name, Amen.  

Prayer Seed: Ephesians 4:3

Prayer Seed: Dear Abba, Please guide our words, thoughts, and actions so we speak, think and act with humility, kindness, and compassion toward others. Help us to put aside our differences so we can work together towards unity and peace. In Jesus’ name, Amen.