Everything we have comes from God.  Everything.  God entrusts us to be wise and responsible stewards of all that is given to us and to always glorify God. As Christian stewards, we are called to give back to God a portion of what God first gave us, in all areas of our lives:  our time, our talents, our resources.  Our giving lets us express our love for God in meaningful ways and helps us commit our whole selves to Him.


Ways to Give

Give - Worship

Giving God Our Time Through Worship

Every minute of every hour of every day we live is a gift from God, the giver of life.  We return to God a portion of the time God has given us, by devoting part of each day to prayer and personal worship, and by devoting part of each week to worshipping God together as a church family.

Daily devotional prayer disciplines us to include God as part of our day-to-day routine and keeps us aware of God's movement in our lives. 

Our Spiritual Resources page and our Reminders for Your Spiritual Journey page offer some resources to help get started. 

Pastor Erika is also happy to help find a way that works for you to make this spiritual practice part of your daily life. Her contact information can be found at the bottom of this page. And we invite you to join our Bible Study and prayer groups. Our Growth Opportunities for Adults page has more information about small study group options.

Worship is vital to any relationship with God.  And when we worship God together by attending church:  we support and invite everyone else who attends, we in turn are supported and nourished in our own faith, and we strengthen and unify our congregation as the body of Christ. 

Worship services are held every Sunday morning, 9 a.m. at Westby, and 10:30 a.m. at Viroqua.  Everyone is welcome!  Come as you are.

We recognize that not everyone is able to attend in-person.  If you cannot get to the church, then we welcome you to participate in worship online or by radio. Our Worship Information page provides more details about our worship services and alternatives if you are not able to attend in-person.

Give - Talents

Giving God Our Gifts & Talents Through Service

God is the giver of all our talents and abilities.  We use our abilities to God's glory by serving Him through Christ's body the church.  And by serving God: we also serve ourselves by growing our commitment to Him, we serve others in our congregation by helping the church work for them, and we serve the world by building the Kingdom of God.

We serve in many ways:

♦ We serve by participating in ministries that care for our neighbors, our community, and our world. Our Outreach page provides more information about these projects. 

♦ We serve in church activities and events, by saying "yes" when volunteers are needed, by supporting the other workers through our attendance and inviting friends and neighbors. Please check out our Events & News page to find out more about our activities.

♦ We serve in the life of the church, according to our gifts — whether our gift is to be an usher on Sunday morning, or to read Scripture during worship, or wash dishes after a potluck, or sing in the choir, or bake cookies, or fold bulletins, or work behind the scenes on a committee, or any of a million other things. Even if you don't think you have a talent, God can use you!

♦ We serve in the witness of the church:  by telling what God is doing in our lives, by offering our testimonies for church devotional booklets, by sharing the good news of Jesus Christ.

Give - Offering

Giving God Our Resources Through Offerings

As Christian stewards, we joyfully offer our gifts, tithes, and offerings. Our gifts support our church's mission and ministries, they multiply the sharing of the good news of Jesus, and they help serve and improve the lives of neighbors near and far.  But more than that, the act of giving helps us to grow in faith because as Christians we need to give back to God.  We need to respond to the love God has shown and continues to show us.  We need to practice letting go of worldly things and instead put our trust in God.  We need to be obedient to God's will that we should live generously —loving our neighbor as ourselves and loving God above all.

In order to help you be consistent in your tithes and offerings, we offer several ways to give:

In Church:

Our weekly worship services include a time to return our tithes and offerings to God.  If you wish to give to a specific project or area of ministry, make sure to write the project name on the memo line of your check, or place your offering in an offering envelope (available at the entryway of each church) and write the project name on the envelope.

By Mail:

Addresses for our church offices can be found below if you want to mail your offering to the church.  For Viroqua UMC, you can also drop off the offering during office hours.


Viroqua United Methodist Church has the option for secure online giving. Below, you can find the online giving button for this church.

You can either make a one-time gift, or set up an ongoing weekly or monthly offering so you can be confident that you are giving faithfully as God calls you to, even if you have to miss church some Sunday.  You can make changes to your recurring giving options at any time.

Viroqua United Methodist Church

Viroqua UMC

Office Address:
PO Box 127
Viroqua, WI 54665

Westby United Methodist Church

Westby UMC

Office Address:
202 E. State St.
Westby, WI 54667